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Amar Rabbi Elazar (Rabbi Elazar Taught) – Rabbi Danielle Upbin

Updated: May 24, 2022

I just found this on YouTube. It is a lovely performance of a tune composed by the singer, Rabbi Danielle Upbin (of Congregation Beth Shalom in Clearwater, FL), called “Amar Rabbi Elazar” (Rabbi Elazar Taught). The piano accompaniment is by yours truly. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!

Sung in Hebrew Rabbi Eleazar used to quote Rabbi Hanina, who said: “Scholars increase peace in the world, as it is written in the holy Scriptures: ‘When all Your children will have learned of Adonai, the Lord, and will have been taught the Torah, His teachings, their peace shall be great.’ One should not understand this as a reference merely to ‘Your children,’ but, rather, to them as ‘Your builders.’ They who love Torah have great and everlasting peace, and they will not stumble [on life’s path]. May peace abide within your surroundings, and prosperity within your abodes. For the sake of my brothers and friends, I say: Peace be with you!”

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