Dear Peter:
Thank you so very much for this most welcome news. Yes, I already link to your website in a number of places on mine. I will tweet about this live performance of “Meditations and Memories” for two alto flutes, “Arirang Variations” for two bass flutes, and the pending recording of “Arirang Variations” on MOVE Records this coming October far and wide. I will also write to radio station WPR in Madison, Wisconsin to see if they can send me a link to the broadcast so that I can listen to it and share it. I expect they will be able to do so.
Ever grateful for your efforts,
On Apr 16, 2015, at 12:32 AM, Peter Sheridan wrote:
Hello Stanley,
Your ‘Meditations and Memories’ went very well today on WPR in Madison today, in preparation for the upcoming Flute Festival on Saturday. We (Danielle Breisach) will perform it on the evening program.
Thanks for the wonderful plug in your website, here is the link to my website: http://www.lowflutes.com
Though I think you may have a hyperlink already set in there.
Oh, folks loved the bass flute duo as well. Looking forward to recording it in October.