Choral Piece of the Day, Installment 26: A Prayer for the World.
Composed in 2004 to a prayer in English by renowned clergyman and writer, the late Rabbi Harold S. Kushner, author of the book, When Bad Things Happen to Good People, A Prayer for the World is for SATB Chorus unaccompanied, and its duration is 4:40. The ECS Publishing Group Catalog Number for this title is 6328.
Follow the next link to listen to a performance by the Philovox Ensemble, Jennifer Lester, conductor.
Follow the next link to see a partial PDF sample of the score, or to purchase performance copies.
Follow the next link to see and hear my YouTube music video for this title.
Follow the next link to read a copy of Rabbi Kushner's prayer.
Follow the next link to explore my website.
The prayer first appeared in a 2023 edition of Parade Magazine (defunct). My wife spotted it, and pointed it out to me as an option to set to music. I immediately fell in love with it, and contacted Rabbi Kushner, who happened to live in a town adjacent to ours. He granted me provisionary approval, and pointed me towards his literary agents. After coming to a legal agreement with them I then began composing my setting.
What I recall most is the challenge with which this text presented me. I worked almost exclusively on composing the music for this title, setting aside most other creative projects in favor of completing it. I recall clearly that it took me 3/4 of a year to do so.
I completed work on A Prayer for the World on January 6, 2004. The resultant piece was well worth the effort. My musical setting of was published by ECS Publishing later on the same year.
Years later, we decided to join Temple Israel of Natick, to enroll our daughter in their religious school, to have a place to worship, and to be a part of the larger Metrowest Boston Jewish community and grow our social circle. Though another Rabbi was already leading the congregation, Rabbi Kushner still remained an active and vibrant member of the community, leading services and giving sermons, etc., when requested, and was also still writing new books.
I was so taken with the temple at that time that I decided to recreate and lead the temple choir, as there had not been one there in eighteen years. I led the Temple Israel of Natick Singers as their Founding Music Director from 2012–2014.* During that time, I lead several performances A Prayer for the World with the Temple Israel of Natick Singers, one of which was a special service led by Rabbi Kushner. The positive words he spoke about me and my musical setting of his prayer resonate in my memory to this day.
A Prayer for the World remains one of my favorite choral compositions to this day. It truly is a labor of love, both by the author of blessed memory, and by me. The prayer is mainly a plea for inclusivity which its writer accomplishes without getting political.
I hope you enjoy it.
—Stanley M. Hoffman, PhD
