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Writer's pictureStanley M. Hoffman

Choral(/Vocal) Piece of the Day, Installment 28: Mi y'maleil (Who can recount); a Piece for Chanukah

Choral(/Vocal) Piece of the Day, Installment 28: Mi y'maleil (Who can recount); a piece for Chanukah for SATB chorus or voice, and piano or chamber orchestra.

This is an original setting of a traditional text singable in both the original Hebrew and in an English translation by the composer.

ECS Publishing Group Catalog Numbers:

  • Piano/Choral Score for version for SATB Chorus and Piano: 6460;

  • Piano/Vocal Score for version for Voice and Piano: 6461;

The full score and instrumental parts are now only available on rental from the publisher. Although the full score is for the SATB version, it also works perfectly with solo voice.

Follow the next URL to the publisher's website to see a partial PDF sample of the piano/choral score, to purchase performance copies, and to hear a fine demo recording of the version for SATB chorus and piano by the Philovox Ensemble, Jennifer Lester, conductor, Andrew Goodridge, pianist.

Follow the next URL for rental information for the full score and instrumental parts.

Follow the next URL to see and hear the composer's YouTube music video of the version for SATB chorus and piano featuring the Philovox Ensemble, Jennifer Lester, conductor, Andrew Goodridge, pianist.

Follow the next URL to see and hear the composer's YouTube music video of the version for SATB chorus and chamber orchestra created using the music engraving software, Sibelius Ultimate, in conjunction with the NotePerfomer sound engine, Version 3.

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