Chamber Music Work of the Day, Installment 8:
Saxophone Quartet
(2001 [Mixed Chorus]; arr. 2009)
"Prayer" is a "song without words" for saxophone quartet, based very closely on what has been called my most heartfelt choral piece, "Yih'yu l'ratson/May the words of my mouth". Both titles/versions are published by ECS Publishing Group.
Follow the next URL to visit the publisher's product page for the score and parts for "Prayer", Catalog No. 7580.
Follow the next URL to view a high quality synthesized scrolling score video of "Prayer".
Follow the next URL to listen to a high quality synthesized performance of "Prayer" on my website.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Stanley M. Hoffman, PhD
Link to my website:
Biography Published in Grove Music Online (The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Oxford University Press)